
Privacy Policy

Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited is deeply committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and their personal and sensitive data.

This Privacy Policy, referred to as the "Policy," is applicable universally to all visitors (individuals without an account) and users (those with an account on our platform), collectively referred to as "Users." This policy becomes active when users provide us with their personal and sensitive personal data during their interaction with, access to, and utilization of our website, collectively known as the "Website." We strongly encourage users to thoroughly review this policy before sharing any information with us, ensuring they comprehend how we handle their data.

It is essential to note that this policy is an integral component of our Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited Terms and Conditions. All definitions within this policy hold the same significance as in our Terms and Conditions. By accessing, browsing, or continuing to use our website, users explicitly consent to this policy, which should be read alongside our Terms of Use. If any user disagrees with the terms of this policy, we kindly request that they abstain from visiting or using our website. Access to this policy is readily available through multiple sections on our website, including, but not limited to, the account creation process.

Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited retains the right to amend, modify, or update this policy without prior notice. Noticeable changes will be conveyed to users through their registered email addresses or other available means of communication. We recommend users regularly review this policy to stay informed about any changes. Any user who continues to use our website's services following an amendment, modification, alteration, or change of this policy, whether or not they received a notification or the changes were published on the website, is considered to have accepted this policy, as well as any other policies or practices of Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited in effect during their visit, access, or use of the website.


Personal Information

"Personal Information" is a term defined by the SPI Rules and refers to any data related to an individual that can be used, either directly or in conjunction with other information held by a corporate entity, to identify that individual. This category includes details like a person's name, address, phone number, and similar particulars.

Sensitive Personal Data Or Information

According to the SPI Rules, "sensitive personal data" includes information about an individual's:

  • Passwords: information related to access credentials.
  • Financial Information: Such as bank account numbers, credit card details, debit card details, or other payment instrument particulars.
  • Conditions of physical, physiological, and mental health: Details about a person's health, including their mental, physical, or physiological health.
  • Sexual Orientation: Information that reveals a person's sexual orientation.
  • Medical Records and History: Information pertaining to an individual's medical records and health history.
  • Biometric Information: Data that includes unique biometric identifiers.

If our entity receives data under these categories for processing or storage in accordance with a legal contract, we will do so exclusively for the intended purposes.

We highly value your privacy and are dedicated to protecting your information in accordance with the above definitions.


We define "Payment Data" as comprehensive transaction details and data associated with a payment or settlement transaction. This includes all information collected, transmitted, or processed as part of a payment message or instruction. Payment data is classified into several categories, including:

  • Customer Data: This includes information like the customer's name, mobile number, email address, Aadhaar number, PAN number, and other relevant details.
  • Payment Sensitive Data: This category involves both customer and beneficiary account details, ensuring secure and accurate transactions.
  • Payment Credentials: This pertains to essential security elements like OTPs, PINs, passwords, and similar safeguards.
  • Transaction Data: This category includes transaction-specific information such as the originating and destination systems, transaction references, timestamps, and transaction amounts.


Our website provides users with the option to access, browse, or utilize our services without requiring the disclosure, storage, possession, handling, or dealing of their personal information.

Users willingly grant their explicit consent for the use, disclosure, storage, possession, receipt, handling, or dealing of their sensitive personal data or information. This consent is given during the account creation process on the Website, in accordance with SPI Rules.

Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited assumes that when a minor shares personal information or sensitive personal data or information, adequate and lawful parental consent has been obtained.

We adhere to these principles while safeguarding your information to ensure your privacy.


To create an account, engage in transactions, and access customer support services, users are required to provide specific personal information and sensitive personal information. 

It is possible that we will gather the following categories of information:

  • Name and age: Your personal identification details.
  • Password and Username: For account security.
  • PAN (Permanent Account Number): Required for specific transactions.
  • User's Account Password: Ensuring secure access.
  • Address Postale: Your postal address details.
  • Email Address: For communication purposes.
  • Phone Number: Contact information.
  • IP Addresses (via Cookies): For website analysis.
  • Website URLs: Information regarding your online journey.
  • Card Number, Expiration Date, and Payment Instrument Information: For payment processing.
  • Feedback, Queries, Emails, and Suggestions: User-generated input.
  • Third-Party Information: Details about a user's activities or postings.
  • Mobile/Tab Device Identifier: Information pertaining to the mobile device on which the app is installed.

We may also request additional information to enable you to access and use our website. 


Please understand that we collect sensitive personal data or information for specific, transparent, and lawful purposes, including:

  • Providing a secure, efficient, and personalized user experience on our website.
  • Enhancing our products and services.
  • Addressing general inquiries or complaints.
  • Sending emails with information about products, services, newsletters, and policy changes.
  • Analyzing website traffic and conducting demographic, interest, and behavior research.
  • Developing new products and services.
  • Offering customer support.
  • Detecting and preventing errors, fraud, criminal activity, abuse of services, and technical issues.
  • Enforcing our terms and conditions.
  • Providing co-branded services in partnership with corporate entities.


When people visit, browse, and use our website, connect with our social media profiles, or contact our online customer service, we collect information. Information is obtained both through voluntary user input and automatic data collection methods, such as the analysis of online behavior using cookies.

Users have the option to decline providing certain information or withdraw their consent to provide specific data at any time, as outlined in this policy. In the event of consent withdrawal, we will retain your personal information or sensitive personal data for a period determined by us or as required by law. If you revoke your consent, you may no longer have access to some parts of our website.


Sharing of Personal and Sensitive Data

This privacy policy permits the sharing of your personal information and sensitive data with our trusted affiliates and other third parties, but only to the extent necessary and for the lawful purposes outlined in this policy. We only disclose personal information or sensitive personal data to government institutions or authorities if the law requires it or if a government entity authorizes it. We comply with court orders, protect legal rights, pursue remedies, defend against charges, or facilitate a change in ownership, merger, restructuring, or sale of our business assets. In such cases, your personal information or sensitive personal data may be transferred to a third party.


We utilize "cookies" and similar technology to enhance your experience on our website. Each visitor is assigned a unique random number known as a User Identification (User ID) through these technologies. This aids us in understanding user interests and improving the effectiveness and usability of our website. When you visit our website, our web servers automatically gather minimal computer information, including your IP address, which guides internet data delivery.

Third parties may employ similar technologies to "cookies" on our website. We hereby exclude any liability regarding the use of cookies by external entities.


The website may include hyperlinks to external websites that gather user information. Kindly be aware that we do not assume any liability for the privacy policies, practices, or content of the websites that are linked to them. This privacy policy excludes the data gathering and usage policies of external sites.


Users are encouraged to promptly inform us if any provided personal information or sensitive personal data or information is inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading. Users can review, update, or modify their information by accessing their account on our website. It is the user's responsibility to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of their information.


Your personal information and sensitive personal data or information may be retained and used until the following conditions are met:

The purposes for using your information, as described in this policy, no longer apply.

We're not obligated or required to keep your information for the purposes of legitimate business goals, contractual responsibilities, or laws and rules that apply to us. The retention of your information is not necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of any legal claims.


We may send direct mail to users at the email addresses they provide. Users can opt out of receiving such mailers by clicking the provided link at the bottom of each mailer or through other appropriate means. Upon choosing to opt out, we will take all necessary steps to remove the user from our mailing list. Users can also manage their contact information and preferences on the "Profile" page of their account with us.


Advertisers from third parties may display advertisements when you access our website. These companies can use encrypted data (data that does not include your name, address, email address, or mobile number) to provide advertisements pertaining to products and services that you may find intriguing. This anonymized data is typically presented as aggregated statistics regarding traffic to various pages on our website.


All entities within the payments ecosystem, including system participants, service providers, intermediaries, payment gateways, and third-party vendors engaged by Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited to provide payment services, must store all payment data in India-based systems.


We have implemented stringent security measures to prevent misuse, unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, or destruction of your personal information and sensitive personal data or information in our possession. The servers containing your information are fortified with firewalls, rigorous password security, and restricted access based on a need-to-know basis. We conduct routine evaluations and updates of our security measures in order to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of your data. We will expeditiously inform the impacted user of any security breach that has the potential to cause harm, and we will implement measures to alleviate any imminent damage.


Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service to support our business growth. We prioritize customer service and satisfaction as a service-oriented organization. We are committed to providing exemplary service at all customer touchpoints. Our policy includes a structured grievance redressal mechanism and a framework for handling customer grievances and complaints.


To heighten payment security, our gateway rigorously adheres to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). With stringent measures in place, we prioritize the protection of cardholder data, establishing a secure environment for all financial transactions.


Employing cutting-edge encryption protocols, we ensure the safeguarding of your data during both transmission and storage. Our website places a premium on robust encryption technologies, providing an additional layer of security to protect sensitive information throughout your transactions.


In the event of a data breach, we are steadfast in our commitment to swift notification. Users can trust our transparent communication regarding potential risks, coupled with immediate action to mitigate the pact. This dedication ensures adherence to data breach notification regulations and maintains transparency with our users.


For inquiries about our privacy policy concerning Wegofin Digital Solutions Private Limited services, reach out to our dedicated support team. We prioritize your privacy and aim to provide secure transactions.